DCB Summer BBQ 18.06.2024

"Alle Jahre wieder" – usually a german christmas song but also the slogan in June for the fourth DCB-Summer-BBQ which took place at the „njumii – Das Veranstaltungszentrum“ of Dresden Chamber of Crafts. The event centre is part of the new educational centre opened in autumn 2020. Our members and guests met in the shady courtyard to evaluate the first six months of MICE in Dresden and swap expert knowledge. Good food and refreshing drinks weren’t missing. Antje Köhler gave us the chance to visit the modern, bright rooms and learn the story behind the name „njumii“. Thank you for having us. 

Images: Robert Jentzsch 

 "Alle Jahre wieder" – usually a german christmas song but also the slogan in June for the fourth DCB-Summer-BBQ which took place at the „njumii – Das Veranstaltungszentrum“ of Dresden Chamber of Crafts. The event centre is part of the new educational centre opened in autumn 2020. Our members and guests met in the shady courtyard to evaluate the first six months of MICE in Dresden and swap expert knowledge. Good food and refreshing drinks weren’t missing. Antje Köhler gave us the chance to visit the modern, bright rooms and learn the story behind the name „njumii“. Thank you for having us.

photos: Robert Jentzsch 

 "Alle Jahre wieder" – usually a german christmas song but also the slogan in June for the fourth DCB-Summer-BBQ which took place at the „njumii – Das Veranstaltungszentrum“ of Dresden Chamber of Crafts. The event centre is part of the new educational centre opened in autumn 2020. Our members and guests met in the shady courtyard to evaluate the first six months of MICE in Dresden and swap expert knowledge. Good food and refreshing drinks weren’t missing. Antje Köhler gave us the chance to visit the modern, bright rooms and learn the story behind the name „njumii“. Thank you for having us.

photos: Robert Jentzsch 

 "Alle Jahre wieder" – usually a german christmas song but also the slogan in June for the fourth DCB-Summer-BBQ which took place at the „njumii – Das Veranstaltungszentrum“ of Dresden Chamber of Crafts. The event centre is part of the new educational centre opened in autumn 2020. Our members and guests met in the shady courtyard to evaluate the first six months of MICE in Dresden and swap expert knowledge. Good food and refreshing drinks weren’t missing. Antje Köhler gave us the chance to visit the modern, bright rooms and learn the story behind the name „njumii“. Thank you for having us. 

photos: Robert Jentzsch